Get out of your own damn head already

You can be your own worst enemy.

If only I had a dollar for the amount of times I over-analyzed things or thought about a situation so much to the point where it would drive me crazy.

I have the amazing ability to turn something that happened in the past or worries I have about the future into a crippling mindset about life. I have gotten a lot better with controlling my general anxiety, and I am now able to do things that I avoided doing in the past due to my anxiety. I am proud of how far I have come with managing my anxiety, but that's not to say that some days are worse than others and doesn't mean I don't at times let little things bother me way more than they should.

I have been taking things way too personally lately. Like if someone were to say something to me and sound not-so-polite while saying it, I will take it offensively. Even if it's something that isn't even about me. Yesterday specifically was a weird day for me. I took a situation way out of context and felt like a person I came across had a problem with me and wanted to just ruin my mood. Just because of the way they talked to me. I didn't let myself be mad about it in the moment because obviously I did not want to let something so insignificant ruin my mood for the rest of the day. So instead of dealing with the situation and figuring out why I felt the way I felt about it, I ignored it and pretended like nothing happened. Then, what happened an hour or two later? I started pretty much obsessing over it. It ended up ruining my mood, made me feel anxious, impatient and angry all day, and I could not stop thinking about it.

See, the thing is, I've realized the more I try to avoid dealing with my emotions or anything that is bothering me, the more it will pop up in the back of my mind. Ignoring your problems won't make them go away. This "problem" I had yesterday was honestly something SO insignificant, I can't believe I'm even writing about it in a blog post, but yet here we are. I guess I am just frustrated with myself at how I handled the whole situation and how I let it get the best of me yesterday. But it also allowed me to realize that when I try to ignore dealing with those types of emotions, it will end up just taking control over me eventually.

This brings back not-so-great memories of when I would deal with these thoughts on a daily basis with my old customer service related jobs. I would try so hard to please everybody around me. It was very emotionally draining. If a customer said anything to me in a negative way, or even if a coworker seemed like they didn't want to be friendly to me, I would take it personally. In the moment I stayed cool as a cucumber and pretended like it didn't phase me at all. But mentally I was slowly crumbling more and more with each negative experience or negative vibe I would get from people around me. That is a major reason why I decided to stop working in customer service. Of course there are those wonderful people you would come across that want to spread positive energy to everyone and make your life easier, but more often there were those people that would just not be pleased with you no matter what. Not just the customers, but the coworkers especially. These are the people you see every day and you want to build a relationship or friendship with them to make the work day go by faster, but not all of them want that with you. For me, being someone who really absorbs people's energy and takes things way too personally, it was nerve-racking going to work each day thinking about what mood my coworkers would be in or if they seem like they want to talk or not. Again, this is just me being in my own head. But anyway, all of this got to be too much to handle for jobs that don't pay well and were not going to be my career. So, I made the best choice for myself and my mental health, and left to find a job that was not customer service oriented.

With my current job I can honestly say although it has its negative side to it (as any job does), it has made me want to actually make conversation with random people more often, and most importantly, it has allowed me to be more at peace with myself. I'm no longer trying to please everyone around me, because I work independently. Of course there's situations like what happened yesterday where I get way too in my head and take something personally. But overall, I feel more peace of mind knowing I don't need to be dealing with people's negative vibes on a frequent basis.

I know I kind of went on a tangent talking about my jobs, maybe I should make a separate post all about why you should never work retail.

Anyway, my point with this post is to ultimately make this point very clear: nothing is as serious as you think it is. Don't take things so damn personally. If another person is trying to bring your vibe down or put you down, that is a true reflection of who they are, NOT who you are. Sometimes people don't even mean to ruin your mood, it could all just be in your head. But for the negative, low-life people who do want to bring you down, why waste your energy on them? If they attack you personally, let yourself be mad about it for a minute or two. Get it all out. Breathe. Move on. Don't avoid dealing with it because it will just resurface at inconvenient times. Deal with your emotions as they come up. Allow yourself to be human. That's all you can do. The people who feel the need to be negative towards you could be struggling with their own problems and do not have any peace within themselves, and they want you to feel as bad as they do. So, don't ever take things to heart and think the world is out to get you. That's how I felt for a long time while working my customer service jobs, and yesterday I felt that strongly again for the first time in a while which is what made me want to post this.

Realize that the things that go on in your head seem way worse than what they truly are. Spread positivity and love wherever you go, even if you don't receive it in return. Don't let any negative situation or person taint your positive energy, nothing is worth you losing your positive outlook on life.


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