Don't be so hard on yourself
Today I woke up feeling guilty that I slept in. Anxiety started to creep in when I started thinking about all the things I wanted to get done before I leave for work. Then I realized, why am I expecting myself to be perfect all the time? Why am I putting so much pressure on myself? I am someone who has recently learned to love waking up early. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. I am able to have a couple hours to myself where I can do anything I feel like such as workout, read, spend time with my pup, and I can take my time and not feel rushed to run out the door. I have time to do whatever I want before the rest of the world wakes up. So, essentially the early morning is my sacred "me" time. The time where the house is most quiet, before my pup wakes up and starts begging for food & to be taken out, and the time where I am able to gather my thoughts and set myself up to have an awesome day. If I let myself sleep in, I often will wake up feeling anxious already or f...